Apellidos del participante
Nombre del participante (como figure en su pasaporte)

Enviar el test a:

El participante debe completar el siguiente test sin ayuda y sin diccionario:
1. The colour of a banana is ...........

2. This is a ........... (pie)

3. This is a ........... (pez)

4. This is a ........... (taza)

5. This is a pair of ........... (calcetines)

6. The room where I sleep is the ...........

7. Mickey Mouse............. an American

8. This book is not my book. It is ........... book.

9. The day today is ........... (martes)

10. I like crocodiles. My sister .......... cats.

11. In my family, I have got a brother and a ..........

12. This clock says two o’clock.
      This clock says ........... (11:40)

13. “Where do you .......... ?” “In Diagonal Avenue”

14. My brother ......... a bicycle.

15. This person is ........... (gorda)

16. This person is ........... (feliz)

17. The weather is ........... (soleado)

18. The hats are .......... the table. (encima)

19. This is .......... ball.

20. I can play the guitar. I .......... play the piano.

21. “Where ........... Alfonso come from?” “Spain.”

22. This .......... a bird. (avión)

23. We .......... a car.

24. This person ........... (está corriendo)

25. .......... are keys.

26. Thank you very ...........

27. “.......... many books are there?” “Three”

28. “Why do you play football?” “ .......... I like it”.

29. I .......... to school on Sundays.

30. The umbrella is .......... the chair. (detrás)

31. Cats are .......... than dogs.

32. The hippopotamus is .......... the rhinocerous.

33. Yesterday I .......... to school.

34. I .......... the film.

35. I .......... my keys.

36. In the year 3000 people .......... live on the moon.

37. This weekend I ........ to the cinema.

38. I have .......... Paris.

39. Have you .......... the king?

40. I don’t know .......... at the party.

41. Michael .......... during the film.

42. My parents decided .......... for the holidays.

43. If I see Mark, I .......... him your message.

44. I need to wear glasses because my eyesight is .......... bad.

45. Do you think he .......... if I invited him to my party?

46. Computers ......... by many people.

47. Yesterday I went to Port Aventura. I .......... there before.

48. This test is difficult .......... .

49. He wishes he .......... go to Mare Magnum.

50. I’m really worried .......... my exam.

51. We had a terrible journey. Our car .......... on the motorway.

52. When she was younger she .......... go to bed much earlier than now.

53. I’m not .......... to see over the wall.

54. You .......... study if you want to pass your exams.

55. If the weather .......... better yesterday, they would have played football.

56. Jane said she .......... meet me here.

57. The man .......... sold you the car is in prison.

58. I can’t explain the reason .......... I want to study English.

59. Who .......... the window?

60. Please remember .......... your books to class.



El participante debe traducir al inglés las siguientes frases o palabras sueltas que conoza, sin ayuda y sin diccionario:

1. ¿Qué haces normalmente los fines de semana?

2. El novio de mi hermana tiene 17 años

3. Se parece a su padre

4. Lo traje para escuchar las noticias

5. Vuestra casa está mucho más limpia que la nuestra

6. Llevo 6 años trabajando aquí

7. Las conozco desde hace diez años

8. El edificio se ha vendido

9. ¿Te importaría explicármelo otra vez?

10. Me dijeron que no llegara (yo) tarde

11. Lo conocí en la Universidad

12. Ojalá estuviese (yo) en casa

13. Nos llevábamos muy bien

14. Se recupera de su enfermedad